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"My 9 year old daughter was diagnosed with gastroparesis and she was having a lot of digestive issues. She was pale, losing weight, vomiting, on the verge of being malnourished and her quality of life was not good. She missed school, plays and regular activities due to gastroparesis. We started seeing Katie in February 2017, after seeing numerous medical doctors, none that were able to help her. We are glad we found Katie. After approximately 5 months of therapy with Katie my daughter is a different child. She has improved so much and no longer feels sick to her stomach. She has gained weight and is enjoying school and kid activities once again. My husband and I are very grateful to Katie. She is very knowledgeable and easy to work with.. It is terrible watching your child deteriorate and hearing from doctor's that there is no cure. THANK YOU Katie! We are still working Katie to further improve our daughter's condition, but the difference between February and present (October 2017) is truly wonderful! We are so glad to have found Katie! Sincerely, Pam H"



"Part of me felt even a little silly at this "mountain out of a molehill" I had created. I was hardly nervous and did a fantastic job. But it was about growth and learning and accepting and loving and so much more that I'll continue to explore in life. I am still taking it all in of course! Anyhow, I hope to show you the video clip and some photos. I owe much of that richness, that happiness, to you! You are extremely gifted, and I'm grateful I've opened myself up for this journey I'm taking with your guidance. There's plenty more to learn; I hope you keep teaching!

Much peace and joy to you, Katie."


"I've always been so glad that you're in my life, and now you've connected me with another person I feel thankful to have in my life  : )  Keep being awesome,

Thank you Katie"


"I cannot thank Katie enough for the help & support she has provided me. I feel I have better skills to deal with the challenges in my life & things in myself that I want to work on. Making contact with Katie is the best thing that I ever did."


"I have known & used Katie Tandon as my EAP counselor for nearly four years.  Although my experience (separating & seeking a divorce after 27 years) was painful I know that I could not have been able to get through it all without the help, support and counsel provided me by Katie.  My journey has caused me to relocate my residence a couple of times in the last three years and although I now reside on the West Coast I continue to use Katie to help me navigate the challeng es and issues that I have encountered as an aftermath to my divorce.  Katie is the consummate professional and although counseling is hard work and sometimes not always fun to examine and own issues she has been nothing but warm, compassionate but yet firm.  She is well read and often suggested a book to read to help me on my journey.  I am sad that my move has taken me away from physical office meetings but it’s nice to know that she’s just a phone call, text or email away."
Steve - Pasadena, CA


"Katie Tandon is “IT” in my book, when it comes to therapy. I’ve seen a few therapists over the years and Katie is, by far, the best. She has a kind, caring and inquisitive nature which transfers over into her style of therapy. The thing I value from being in therapy with Katie is her honesty. She will share her opinions and her life experiences which I find refre shing. For me, this has been a powerful theraputic tool. Katie has and is helping me discover and follow a path towards a healthier, more serene life and that, in itself, is a great gift."




"Quite honestly, I don't know what I'd do without Katie in my life. She's been my massage therapist for several years and now that she's added Healing Touch & Reiki to her repertoire, I feel better than ever! I'm getting emotional healing as well for the parts of my body where I've had surgery, that resulted in very tight muscles & scar tissue. The surgeries themselves were successful but they came with unavoidable side effects. Katie's massage, combined with her Healing Touch & Reiki go a long way to clear all that and are extremely helpful to keep me functioning at optimum level."



"I 1st started having stomach problems around december 2015. Serious bloating, pains in my gut, constipation. So i finally went to a G.I. doctor and after many tests they told me nothing was wrong. That's when i went to Katie. She immediately put me on some different digestive enzymes changed my diet and don't you know within several weeks i was feeling better starting losing weight and the bloating was gone. I felt 10 years younger and no longer had any fear around eating any kind of food. I made some lifestyle changes around certain foods i found out i could no longer eat by eliminating them and introducing them back in my diet. “Katie's a miracle worker!” Thanks!" 




"My healing touch sessions exceeding all expectations. They were wonderful! I honestly didn't know what to expect with my first appointment but I went in with an open mind and heart. The experience of the sessions themselves were completely relaxing and soothing. I often felt warmth and saw vibrant colors in my mind during the sessions. I felt very refreshed and warm afterwards. Katie shared images and scenes she saw during the session and they were extremely meaningful and moving to me. I found that the days following were some of my most positive and relaxed days. I'm so grateful for the healing touch sessions I had with Katie and plan on continuing with my sessions regularly."

J. Jones



"I have always believed that the body knows what it needs but we have forgotten or choose not to listen. Recently I hit my head and was having trouble with everything digestion, circulation, concentration, emotions, and mood. I knew my mind and body were not in sync, unable to do stretching let alone a class or meditation the healing touch was recommended to help my body start to heal.  This was the first time I had this type of energy work so I was not sure what to expect. Katie explained the energy work she would be doing and once
she started it was like a weight lifted and my mind and body were starting to work together. The second treatment helped me be more restful at night and able to meditate as I had been able to do before injury.  I can not express how much it is helping me recover now that I can meditate again.  I am looking forward to continuing to utilize this type of therapy tocontinue healing and once I am back to my pre injury lifestyle.
Katie is  the best and very knowledgable with energy work, yoga, supplements and helping balance any individual at the level they need at that time.  I have personally looked to her for her expertise for many years and am happy to recommend her healing touch work."




"I woke up one morning with a golf ball size lump over my left eye and a horrific headache.  A few days later I was being treated for shingles.  I continued with a horrible headache for a few weeks before I ran into Katie.  I explained to her what I had been going through and she didn’t hesitate to provide me with two different supplements to begin taking twice a day for thirty days. I immediately began taking them and never made it to day 30 before my headaches had subsided.  I contributed this to the advice I received from Katie.  Katie has provided so much to me over the years, massage therapy, private and group yoga, supplement recommendations for inflammation, etc.  She is the first person I think about when my body is out of balance.  You are such a wonderful, good-hearted person!  Thank you!"




"I know Katie from her therapeutic yoga class, but I've also been seeing her for massage. There are several reasons to recommend Katie as a massage therapist. First, when I tell her vaguely, "my shoulder hurts", her deep knowledge of anatomy gives her an amazing ability to locate trigger points and muscle spasms and to exert the right amount of pressure to release the tight areas. Second, she knows several different "schools" of massage: Shiatsu, Thai, Swedish and other techniques and adapts the techniques to whatever pain I'm feeling. Finally, Katie is a deeply compassionate person who really cares about her clients,. I look forward to her massages because I know that I'll leave both physically and emotionally refreshed."

Lisa Moore, PhD



"I have worked with Katie as my yoga instructor since 2008. Last November, 2012 I was diagnosed with Cancer, Stage 1. Since Katie has always given me valuable advice on nutrition in brief conversations after yoga classes, I hurried to her and asked for help. We had several meetings where Katie evaluated my current habits and based on my recent diagnose created a customized nutrition plan for me with detox products, vitamins, supplements and daily nutrition routine. She even included delicious recipes, which I have enjoyed for a year now. Katie took me grocery shopping and showed me all ingredients I should use and how to substitute dairy and sugar in order to make my body a less friendly environment for cancer. She ordered supplements and brought them to my home reducing the stress of the additional chores I had to work on. At the last surgery in June 2013 the doctors found no trace of cancer. I truly believe that taking the customized combination of vitamins and supplements, recommended by Katie, following her detox plan and eating right helped me get rid of cancer. Katie was not only a competent nutrition advisor during the past year but she was genuinely interested in helping me get better. She has been a great friend – always encouraging and supportive, always helping me in so many ways.Thank you, Katie!”



“Katie is great b/c she's sincere and she only gives advice she believes in & uses herself. B/c of Katie, I've transitioned away from meat & dairy, although I haven't become altogether vegan yet. I am much more conscious of what I put in my mouth and its effect on my body. Then there are the specifics, like niacin is good to support the neurological system I never would have known that. She's referred me to certain authors on nutrition, healing and cooking. Always her advice comes with no pressure or feelings of guilt if I don't follow up altogether. Eventually I do, b/c she's a great role model, so I always leave inspired to make a few more changes.”



“I met with Katie when I was having issues with anxiety and depression. I tried a prescription from my doctor that I had a bad reaction too and it was scary to see how these chemicals affected my body and mind. Katie came up with a plan of natural vitamins and supplements that completely changed my mindset. I feel clear, more focused and less stressed. My anxiety is easier to manage because I feel stronger and healthier. Combining this with the yoga and meditation that I also practice with Katie has given me a more joy-filled life.”



“I began having digestive problems about six years ago. I initially had a flare up of diverticulitis and subsequently it was discovered that I had a rather large gall stone, of 2.0 centimeters. At that time I began a quest to discover what was good for me to eat and spent several years trying with my doctor and books on the subject to heal my system. This journey evidentially lead me to Katie Tandon with many questions and issues still unsolved. She has provided me with ideas for gaining and retaining weight, and her recommendation of various supplements have improved my gastric functioning. One product she suggested, PanZyme has proved to be more helpful for me than other enzyme products I have used. Her knowledge and suggestions continue to help me improve my digestive health.”



“Over the years, Katie has been instrumental in educating me in nutrition as well as pointing me the right direction to numerous reliable reading sources. With the knowledge that I have acquired, I have improved my health and also that of my son. From her teachings, I now have a deeper understanding about GMOs, nutrition and its link to ADHD and the supplements are optimal for me - to name a few examples. Katie has a wealth of knowledge on the subject of nutrition and always shares and teaches with passion and love – she continually inspires me to live my life with optimal health and happiness.”



"Katie can tell me what to do with every muscle in my body while I am in each yoga pose. She is the best yoga teacher I ever had."

Dot Barrett



“Katie’s private yoga sessions and classes got me through two knee replacements and a hip replacement. Thanks to her, I have more mobility and less pain than I have for the past ten years. She is an awesome, and a truly spiritual, teacher!”

Myra Farr



“Last night’s therapeutic yoga session was gentle and easy on me as I suffer from fibromyalgia and being out of shape, etc. I was apprehensive, but have to report that after last night’s session I slept through the night for the first time in years. I also noticed that I felt like I had a massage this morning upon waking. My back didn’t hurt and wasn’t stiff upon rising. I look forward to my next class and the series. I am very grateful for your teaching and understanding of issues that I have. Your explanations of what each exercise is about and its benefits helps me to grasp how important and helpful each pose is to me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Elayna McReynolds

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Phoenixville Office  |  LightOn  |  498 Nutt Road  |  Suite B (2nd Floor)  |  Phoenixville, PA 19460

Plymouth Meeting Office  |  Center for Optimal Health  |  832 West Germantown Ave.  |  Suite #3  |  Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Copyright 2016   |   Content and design: Jill Breidenbach   |   Contributing layout and design: Drew Miller

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